Couples Bath Love Spell

Need a boost of romance in your life? Love spells are a great way to connect and embrace love and romance between couples. Use this spell to encourage open communication in a relationship and enhance passion between partners. 

The spell works best performed together, but is not necessary.

Items you will need

Red candle
Rose quartz
Wine (or a drink you may enjoy together)
Herbs ( Rosemary, orange peel, catnip)

Rose petals
Scented candle for aroma
Spell jar to gather remnants

First, run a bath as you normally would. Place all the herbs in a tea strainer or a reusable tea bag and hang it from the faucet while the water is running. This helps steep the herbs all throughout the water as well as making it easier to clean up so when you drain the bath the herbs won't clog the drain.

Catnip is an underrated and powerful herb. When used in love spells catnip can increase attraction as well as boost sexual energy and fertility. (a little bit can go a long way! So just a pinch will do)

rosemary improves focus & mental clarity as well as memory. Using this herb will help you remember the experience and allow you to be fully focused on you and your partners goals.

Orange peel is used to create a sensual atmosphere. Orange peel is excellent for cleansing and recharging the sacral chakra and for increasing love and attraction.

Next, Arrange your other items on the side of the tub or a tray that is up away from the water. You do not want your candle to get wet.

Rose quartz stone is used to create trust and communication in a relationship and is important for building unconditional love and is a must-have for any love spell.

On your red candle you will want to carve or write out all of the things that you wish to enhance from your relationship. Talk with your partner so that you can both add things that are important for you. You don't want your candle too large because you will want it to burn all the way down. (If your candle is still burning by the time you need to get out of the tub you can set it aside to continue burning down. Do not blow it out.)

Wine and chocolate are both aphrodisiacs. These items can also be optional, but you will be sharing these with your partner as offerings to each other. So just keep that in mind if you choose to use something different because you will still want to have some kind of consumable offering for each other.

For the last step, you and your partner get in the tub. You may place rose petals in the tub if you wish to set the mood. Also, If you wish you can offer some of the wine to the tub water.

Spend the next few moments talking with your partner and discussing ways to bring yourselves closer. Or if you don't feel like talking, feel free to just silently explore each other's bodies or take turns sharing the wine and chocolate. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable, but this spell does not have to be a sexual experience.

After your candle has burned down all the way, drain the tub and dry off. Gather all of the ingredients and return them to the Earth. Alternatively, you can mix all of the ingredients together into a small jar to place on your altar to continue the spell. Anytime you feel like your relationship could use a boost burn a small candle on top of the jar to reawaken the spell and memories.

This spell can be a great ritual to do frequently or even as a date night treat. Good luck and happy manifestating!

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